Council & Politics
30 October, 2024
Northern Grampians' tourism brand earns finalist spot at national awards
'Discover Northern Grampians' gains acclaim as award finalist.

The Northern Grampians Shire Council's new tourism branding campaign has received industry acclaim, securing a finalist position in the Economic Development Marketing and Promotion category at the 2024 National Economic Development Awards for Excellence.
Although the award went to the City of Whittlesea, the recognition highlighted the success of the council's two-year effort to create a unique destination brand.
Chief executive Brent McAlister praised the 'Discover Northern Grampians' brand for enhancing the area's tourism appeal and fostering community involvement.
"We are thrilled to be recognised as a finalist in these prestigious and highly competitive awards, among projects from municipal councils and regional development organisations throughout Australia," he said.
"Developing the Discover Northern Grampians - DNG - brand involved a comprehensive process that took almost two years from planning to implementation.

"I would like to congratulate everyone involved for their vision, collaboration and hard work, that has not only resulted in the DNG brand's creation, but its ongoing success."
Mr McAlister said the council's economic development team purposefully developed a distinctive DNG brand separate from the organisation's corporate brand to ensure clear communication with the right audiences.
"Community engagement formed a cornerstone of the DNG brand development," he said.
"Collaborating closely with the local communities, industry stakeholders and regional tourism partner Grampians Wimmera Mallee Tourism, we gathered insights to develop the value propositions and the compelling brand story.
"Any potential audience should have a smooth and clear experience when learning about Northern Grampians towns in the context of the broader region."
People can visit the region's website at www for a detailed economic look, including critical competitive advantages and attractive investment opportunities.