The Stawell Times-News

9 Epic day trips from Reykjavk for nature lovers

From the iconic Golden Circle route to the tranquil majesty of the Snfellsnes Peninsula, here are some epic day trips perfect for every nature lover. Picture Shutterstock
From the iconic Golden Circle route to the tranquil majesty of the Snfellsnes Peninsula, here are some epic day trips perfect for every nature lover. Picture Shutterstock

Brought to you by Emmanuel Davis.

Reykjavk, Iceland's charming capital, is not only a hub of culture and arts but also a gateway to the country's unparalleled natural beauty. For travellers who yearn to be immersed in landscapes that seem untouched by time, a day trip from the city can reveal wonders that will be etched in memory for a lifetime.

From the iconic Golden Circle route to the tranquil majesty of the Snfellsnes Peninsula, let's dive into nine epic day trips perfect for every nature lover.

The Golden Circle

No list of Iceland tours from Reykjavik would be complete without the iconic Golden Circle. This famous route takes you through three of Iceland's most stunning locations: ingvellir National Park, the Geysir geothermal area, and Gullfoss waterfall. Walk between two continents at ingvellir, witness the powerful eruptions at Geysir, and marvel at the thundering cascades of Gullfoss.

Snfellsnes Peninsula

Often called "Iceland in Miniature", the Snfellsnes Peninsula is a microcosm of all the landscapes the country has to offer. With black sand beaches, rugged cliffs, mysterious caves, and the mesmerising Snfellsjkull glacier, it's a tranquil retreat that will enchant every visitor. The sight of Kirkjufell Mountain, one of Iceland's most iconic peaks, rising sharply against the horizon is an unforgettable experience.

South Coast wonders

The South Coast is a treasure trove of nature's finest spectacles. Stand awestruck before the Seljalandsfoss and Skgafoss waterfalls, walk on the ethereal black sands of Reynisfjara beach, and visit the quaint coastal village of Vk. The sea stacks rising from the ocean provide an evocative backdrop that's simply enchanting.

The Lava Tunnel

Delve deep beneath the earth's surface and explore the Raufarhlshellir lava tunnel. Formed by flowing lava over 5,000 years ago, this tunnel showcases the volcanic forces that have shaped Iceland's unique landscapes. The play of light and shadow, along with the striking color variations in the rocks, offers a surreal journey into the heart of the earth.

The Blue Lagoon

While not exactly a hidden gem, the Blue Lagoon's geothermal waters provide relaxation amidst otherworldly beauty. This spa, surrounded by vast lava fields, is renowned for its healing silica mud and mineral-rich waters. Take a dip, pamper yourself, and enjoy the contrast of warm waters against the cool Icelandair.

Diamond Beach and Jkulsrln Glacier Lagoon

Witness a dance of ice and ocean at Diamond Beach, where icebergs from Jkulsrln Glacier Lagoon wash ashore and glisten like diamonds against the black sand. The lagoon itself, with its floating ice sculptures, is a serene vista that's equally captivating.

Landmannalaugar Geothermal Area

Dive into the multicolored rhyolite mountains of Landmannalaugar. This geothermal wonderland in Iceland's highlands offers hiking trails, natural hot springs, and a surreal landscape that feels like a different planet.

Reykjanes Peninsula and Gunnuhver Hot Springs

Experience geothermal activities, rugged coastlines, and lunar landscapes at the Reykjanes Peninsula. The highlight? The roaring Gunnuhver hot springs, where steam and bubbling mud pools create a dynamic display of nature's raw power.

Northern Lights Chase

Although it requires a particular set of conditions, no trip to Iceland in the right season would be complete without a northern lights tour from Reykjavik. Watch in awe as the skies come alive with dancing green, pink, and purple lights, in a celestial display that has fascinated humankind for centuries.


Reykjavk, with its charming streets, bustling cafes, and a skyline dominated by the impressive Hallgrmskirkja, is a unique blend of the old and the new. Yet, as magnificent as the city is, it's the natural beauty surrounding it that often captures the hearts of travellers.

Let's delve deeper into the wonder that is the Golden Circle. This circuit is not just about the three iconic destinations but the journey itself. The landscapes shift from vast meadows dotted with Icelandic horses to geothermal hotspots and sweeping waterfalls. One of the lesser-known spots en route is Keri, a volcanic crater lake. The contrast of its aqua-blue waters set against the dark red crater walls, bordered by mossy green vegetation, is a spectacle worth a stop.

The charm of the Snfellsnes Peninsula, on the other hand, is its ever-changing scenery. It's a place where myth and reality intertwine. According to local legends, Snfellsjkull glacier is a meeting point for extraterrestrials and also an entrance to a subterranean world. As you traverse this region, each turn offers new wonders.

From the coastal beauty of Arnarstapi with its bird cliffs and sea arches to the dramatic landscapes of Djpalnssandur, a pebble beach with historic lifting stones used by fishermen to test their strength, the peninsula beckons explorers with tales etched in every rock and wave.

The South Coast, while renowned for its grand waterfalls and unique beaches, is also home to the Dyrhlaey Arch. This giant rock formation juts out into the roaring Atlantic Ocean, creating an awe-inspiring sight, especially during sunset. Further east, Fjarrgljfur, a majestic canyon carved by glacial rivers, stands as a testament to the erosive power of nature over millennia. Its serpentine shape and towering green cliffs make it a must-visit for those traversing the South Coast.

Reykjavk's proximity to the geothermal wonders of Iceland is another blessing for nature enthusiasts. Beyond the famous Blue Lagoon, areas like Hverageri offer geothermal parks where the earth's warmth is visible in the form of bubbling mud pools and steaming vents. A short hike in the region often leads to natural hot springs where visitors can enjoy a relaxing soak amidst nature.

The Diamond Beach and Jkulsrln Glacier Lagoon experience is almost meditative. Watching icebergs break off from the glacier and slowly float towards the ocean, only to be swept ashore by the tides, is a reminder of the ever-changing and transient nature of life. The seals playfully swimming around the lagoon add to the enchantment.

Landmannalaugar, a somewhat remote destination, is worth every effort. The drive itself, often through rugged terrains, is an adventure. Upon reaching, the sight of a vast expanse of multicolored mountains, ranging from pink and brown to green and yellow, is a painter's dream. The natural hot springs, with their warm, mineral-rich waters, offer a therapeutic experience in this otherworldly setting.

A trip to the Reykjanes Peninsula is like visiting the Earth during its formative years. The raw, rugged landscapes shaped by volcanic activity and the sprawling lava fields tell tales of a time when nature was in its most volatile form. Walking amidst the bridge between continents, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet, one can literally stand between two worlds.

Finally, while the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis can be witnessed from many places in Iceland, there's something magical about chasing them after a day of exploring the wilderness around Reykjavk. As the skies darken and anticipation builds, the dance of colorful lights across the inky black canvas is a culmination of the Icelandic experience.

In essence, Reykjavk is the heart of Iceland, pumping life to its every corner. The city acts as a bridge between the ancient sagas and the modern tales, between civilization and wilderness. Whether you're a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or someone seeking solitude, the day trips from Reykjavk ensure there's something for everyone.

Every journey is a story, every landscape a poem, and every experience a cherished memory in the making. So, as you set out from Reykjavk, remember, you're not just travelling through space but also through time, witnessing the timeless saga of nature and its wonders.

Reykjavk is not just a destination but a launchpad to some of the most awe-inspiring wonders of the natural world. Every corner of the land whispers tales of ancient legends, volatile earth, and the eternal dance of elements. Pack your bags, lace up your hiking boots, and set out on these day trips to unlock the wild, unyielding beauty of Iceland.