Council & Politics
17 September, 2024
Tony Driscoll Room unveiled in St Arnaud to honour former mayor's legacy
Northern Grampians council names social room after Cr Driscoll.

This week, a community champion was recognised in the heart of his ward when the Northern Grampians Shire Council named a new building at Lord Nelson Park, St Arnaud, in honour of the late mayor Tony Driscoll.
The Tony Driscoll Room was at capacity as family, guests and community members converged on the new social space.
Annette Driscoll said Cr Driscoll fought for many years to secure Lord Nelson Park redevelopment funding.
"My family and I are now very proud to have the Lord Nelson Park social named in Tony's honor," Mrs Driscoll said.

"I am sure he is looking down today wondering what all the fuss is about, and in typical Tony fashion, refuting the idea that this should have even been bestowed."
Mrs Driscoll channelled her late husband during her speech, saying Tony believed in using quotes when public speaking.
"A life isn't significant except for its impact on others' lives," she said.
"From the moment Tony was elected to council in 2012, and for the following 10 years, Tony certainly followed this mantra from the get-go.
"Tony was there to make a difference. He took his role as an elected representative very seriously.
"It was a work of art to see him operate. I called it the Tony effect.
"He had a natural ability to work a room, befriend strangers, and spread his warmth everywhere."
The 'Tony effect' enabled the late mayor to connect with state politicians, allowing the Lord Nelson Park redevelopment vision to become a reality.
"He was unable to be present for the official opening in 2022 but not long after, was able to attend an evening for community members to inspect the new facility," Mrs Driscoll said.
"It was a cold night, and Tony left early, but not before quietly putting money on the bar for everyone else to enjoy a drink."
Cr Driscoll died in July 2022, during the current council term, following a battle with illness.
The social space was constructed in 2023.

"Tony would love to see how this room is developing into a real community hub, particularly during winter, when our football, hockey and netball clubs come together for meals and social gatherings," Mrs Driscoll said.
"It is wonderful to see everyone enjoying these beautiful facilities on show day and at trotting meetings as well."
Since Cr Driscoll's passing, the family received a posthumous mayor emeritus award from the Municipal Association of Victoria for outstanding service to the community in his honour.
Cr Driscoll served on the council, representing Kara Kara ward, from October 2012 until his death.
His almost decade-long service included three terms as mayor, in 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2021-22.